
Editor and Founder: Umberto Cataldo De Pace

Hai voglia di dire la tua sull’eleganza e sul buon gusto all’interno dell’universo maschile? Ti piacerebbe entrare a far parte del gruppo EdG? Allora scrivici a

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No Copyright infringement intended.

Do you want to have your say on elegance and good taste within the male universe? Would you like to join the EdG group? Then write to us at

This website does not represent a newspaper as it is updated without any periodicity. It cannot therefore be considered an editorial product pursuant to Italian law n° 62 from 03.07.2001.
The author of the website is not responsible for the sites connected via links or their content which may be subject to changes over time. Furthermore, the author is not responsible for what is published by readers in the comments below each article. In any case, the aforementioned deemed offensive or damaging to the image of third parties will be removed.

There where not specified, pictures are taken directly from the web and their use is not for commercial purposes. If you do not wish to provide the free concession of use, you must contact the editorial staff and the images in question will be immediately deleted.

No Copyright infringement intended.


  • Maximo

    complimenti per le belle foto scelte e la bella idea del sito 🙂
    Sono giunto a Voi tramite Instagram, e + precisamente dopo aver visto le foto di Pia Antignani. Nel suo profilo ho visto il Vostro link e sono venuto a curiosare
    un saluto da Roma, ciao Maximo


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